Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's all in how you carry yourself

This is my new beauty and NOW I'll be able to get great pictures. It's my new camera sling and can hold my Rebel xSi; my f/1.8, 18-55, and 55-300 with hoods attached (backwards); and extra hood; an extra battery with charger and car charger adapter; a tripod (doesn't matter that I haven't used one yet!); a lens cleaning kit; a bottle of water; and my wallet, keys, and other small items.

We're off to go hiking, biking, and other outdoorsy activities next week. With my new camera bag I'm SURE to get some great shots!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Finnegan Begina'gin

So one year, a couple months, two new lenses, and a couple hoods later... I'm no better. I will admit to taking my camera with me to most 'events', as any good mother would, but I have failed in my original intention of steadily improving my ability as I practice regularly. Oh well, I am accountable only to myself and my mom, the only person who reads the blog, so I am feeling okay about it.

So, here is my restart and my renewed commitment to myself (and Mom). I will post more regularly (3 a month okay?) and will focus on exposure, saturation, composure, and all those other things that are supposed to make a photo great. For now, though, I have mainly snapshots.

I did attempt a 'shoot' last night. As with any time I head out the door with my camera and an intention of capturing the perfect image of whatever my heart's desire might be for that day, I end up with nothing. As was the case as I set out to find wonderful moments I could pass on to my father for use in his nonprofit. Sadly, my mission failed. The last three above are the few mediocre images I was able to get last night.

However, when I have no intention, I tend to do much better (don't do well under pressure, maybe?). Little Miss Madelyn did a wonderful job of posing for me recently at an impromptu session as I tried out my new nifty fifty! She is such a perfect, beautiful little model I had to put her first. Here's to more Madelyn pictures!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

a moment of life

Since I can't really see what I'm focusing on, most of my shots are accidental. Although I am really enjoying the close ups so I can actually show you what I see, I find that I am really drawn to the 'moment in time' snapshot-like shots I'm able to catch. My camera can capture the emotion of a moment when I can't even see the faces of the people I am shooting. Kinda fun.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Evening Walk

We took a walk around the neighborhood tonight and since I'm having a hard time liking my shots I decided to play with a little black and white. Here are a few results...

This is a great little place around the corner from us. Horrible location...

I always wonder when I see clothes in strange places if someone is out there wandering around with no shirt and only one sock...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010


So I have been happy that I've seen steady progress (as much as can be achieved in a week anyway) but this weekend was a miserable failure. I had several GREAT opportunities to take pictures - an Asian market, the firehouse, rock climbing - but almost none turned out. Boo :(. I guess failure is part of the process.. but it's not fun.

Oh well. Here are the only two that I liked.